Treatment Reports
Hand Pulling Milfoil: Robert Patton, Swampguana
Hand Pulling Milfoil: Robert Patton, Swampguana

October 16, 2023 - DASH Final Milfoil Report
This summer, the LFA hired a new company, Swampguana, LLC., to conduct Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) of invasive Eurasian Milfoil on Lake Fairlee. Find their final report here. (Note, replace "Boy Scout Camp" with "Camp Lochearn" as you read the report.) The team of divers could be seen throughout early to mid-September harvesting milfoil at several locations around the lake. While it is impossible to fully eradicate milfoil once established, the LFA's efforts to control this invasive plant are important to support native species, promote a healthy lake ecosystem, and ensure continued recreational opportunities for lake residents and visitors. DASH is just one of the many activities sponsored by the LFA and coordinated by LFA volunteers to control invasive species.
Read about Swampguana in FOVLAP's Fall 2020 Newsletter, pages 8-9.
This summer, the LFA hired a new company, Swampguana, LLC., to conduct Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) of invasive Eurasian Milfoil on Lake Fairlee. Find their final report here. (Note, replace "Boy Scout Camp" with "Camp Lochearn" as you read the report.) The team of divers could be seen throughout early to mid-September harvesting milfoil at several locations around the lake. While it is impossible to fully eradicate milfoil once established, the LFA's efforts to control this invasive plant are important to support native species, promote a healthy lake ecosystem, and ensure continued recreational opportunities for lake residents and visitors. DASH is just one of the many activities sponsored by the LFA and coordinated by LFA volunteers to control invasive species.
Read about Swampguana in FOVLAP's Fall 2020 Newsletter, pages 8-9.